Sunday 16 December 2007

The basics

I am starting this blog with very simple things and more or less common knowledge about saving the planet. The topics and discussions will become more complex and in depth with time as I (and other people through comments and suggestions to me) will consider more "on the edge" issues and creative new ways how to contribute to saving the planet.

To begin with, let's just very quickly review the basic things you can do immediately to start saving the planet. These are repeatedly mentioned in several presentations, Al Gore's Inconvenient truth movie, and elsewhere. In fact, they seem to be repeated so often in the web that one can easily loose sight of their importance. These are,
to repeat myself, the simple basics.

1.) Lower your house temperature if you can. By lowering it for 1 degree C you can decrease emissions of hundreds of Kg per year.

2.) Do not switch lights on without a good cause. Use saving light bulbs instead of ordinary ones. Hundreds of kilos of CO2 spared!

3.) Ironing, boilers etc. use much more power than light bulbs. You want to be really careful not to have these switched on unnecessarily! Hundreds or even thousands of kg CO2 emissions per year can be spared considering this.

4.) Make a habit to regularly sort the waste. Recycle everything you can. Especially the plastic and tins!

5.) When buying a fridge buy one with A+ sign. You will again save hundreds of Kg emissions per year.

6.) When buying a car, buy one with lower emission and fuel consumption. You will save much money and the planet. 15000 km you send up to 4 tons less CO2 into the air!

7.) Drive rather 90 km/hour than 120 km /hour. You lower emissions of CO2 by 20%!

8.) If it is possible, travel by bike, by foot, with public transport or drive together with friends if you have the same or similar destinations.

9.) Plant a tree or more of them. One tree "sucks" a ton of CO2 in its lifetime into itself.

10.) Spread a message to others in a friendly and attractive way.

These are not necessarily the most essential simple steps, but to me they seem to be quite a good set to focus on at first.

One "psychological advice" is here in order. Do not be too hard on yourself if you see you are not doing these things which you know are right to do diligently enough. Rather make it step by step, but make a sure progress in these habits. And discuss it with others.

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