Sunday 16 December 2007

Eco-friendly business thinking

Ecological awareness is increasingly present even in economical thinking of many leaders of companies. Although the label "green" or "eco-friendly" is of course used also just as a marketing strategy, the products that use alternative sources of energy, eco-friendly engines, or simply pollute much less or none at all, are increasingly being recognized as great business potential as well.

As more people are organizing their lives in more eco-friendly ways, more and more companies are exploring creative ideas how to be ecologically ahead of other competitive companies. That means that improving your lifestyle, using more and more eco-friendly ways of and products, actually creates more of such ideas and products on the markets, which is great for the planet.

Some creative, even daring ideas, in which you can be included by buying their eco-friendly products, if you want, can be found here and here. This blog is not simply an advertising blog, but I (and I hope others) will check different products and economical ideas that are around and discuss them here.

1 comment:

1000app said...

I agree with you and I will add that it is also a personal responsibility. Since I started to work for an eco-friendly business card printing shop ( ) I have been more eco-aware
Here are a few ideas:
1.Buy Local products, your local farmers market is the best place
2.Carpool with your friends if possible
3.Install solar panels and start reducing coal usage
4.Buy office supplies from Green Seal certified companies
5.Buy clothes made from recycable materials
6.Use Compact Fluorescent Bulbs
7.Donate books and magazine you are not using (as well as mobile phones)
8. "Eat to live", don't "Live to Eat"
9.Plant a tree when you can or purchase anything from here and they will
10. Talk about it with others. Influence your friends.