Tuesday 19 May 2009

Challenge: For Energy & For Nature


There is a little change happening on the eco friendly lifestyle blog. Gorazd is very busy lately; therefore I accepted the offered challenge to continue his work on my own way. By the way: have we all already been challenged when he was was saying he is sorry for his SILENCE?

However his silence might have or might not have affected us, we are all challenged today for following the IDEA of eco friendly lifestyle, don't you think?

I understood his mail in my mailbox like that and without deeper need for explanation felt the RESPONSIBILITY for my reaction on his warm and kind request: Do you have that, what it takes, to be told?

I would like to say: WE wont be able to provide you with scientific knowledge about every topic we talk about, but the aspect of a someone, living today, breathing same air, drinking same water, feeling same globe and the change, happening in our selves when we are welcoming change by saying joyful, joyful JOY! Even if one is not religious, one is often at least agnostic. It is the aspect of our hearts, mind and body, combined by soul.

We all are searching for soul food, aren't we? But where is the start of it - with soul or food? Lets say it is balance; it is the moment when you combine both of dimensions: Energy and Nature; it is the moment when you combine your underwater part of your soul with magnificent swan show lending on Earth; did you ever seen swans landing together? The FORMATION they do together as group... who leads the group and which one takes over? In case you did not have the opportunity to experience swan show I will tell you: it is the last one. But with swans no one noticed it, they all look the same. Are they lucky? From what I have seen, and sometimes I do feel like a child when looking things like that, it is the MASSAGE which I am sharing here with you:

"It is the idea, that lives not the messenger"

I am challenging you to see through the manifest I have made right now: we all share the same planet. Feel it. Go outside, observe!!!, listen, watch sunrise... FIND YOUR INNER PEACE and then come and visit us again.

Thank you,

ps: for further mind spirit we offer you to feel it:


Unknown said...

Hey Mojca! I am looking forward to your next posts. The song is unbelieveably inspiring!

Chris said...

Hey great post! I would like to touch base with you about your blog. Please contact me directly at chris@greenpress.com

Look forward to hearing from you.
