Sunday 24 August 2008

Electric Cars! Now or never!

Yes, they are definitely coming! Actually, electric cars have already been around for a while, but for various reasons (some of these reasons are worthy of a great conspiracy theory!), they did not make it to the market or to the roads in big numbers. Well, yet. The oil crises and the environmental crisis stimulate a revitalization of electric cars technology as I write this.

I am far from expert on cars. So, instead of trying to sound smart and knowledgeable, I decided to share with you few some - carefully selected! - youtube videos about electric cars which I think are very informative.

Ross Cunniff's Porche Volt 914 converted to Electric car. With a very good explanation and demostration.

See also His Blog about this car. There you can read that, converting energy efficiency scale to MPG (Miles Per Gallon - US Gallon to be sure), he makes the equivalent of impressive 108 MPG! That is over 130 Miles per Imperial Gallon, which is below 3 litres per 100 km! And this is not the most efficient electric car out there.

On the other hand, the electric sports car (using a bit more energy per 100 km) can easily compete with the best Ferrari or Porsche sports cars. A youtube video which was seen well over times demonstrates that no petrol run sports car can compare with the accelerations of this electric car.

But there is a great combination of these two qualities as well: A British-US combined production. Lotus Tesla Roadster Electric car - sexy as well as groovy, they say. This is the BBC World coverage about this car:

You can find of course all kinds of other stuff related to electric cars on Youtube. For example, videos on how Lithium Polymer Batteries for Electric Cars are made, a 245 Miles per Gallon Electric car, or an excellent documentary, "Who Killed Electric cars? Part 1". The other parts you can easily find on the "Related Videos" section on Youtube, at the right lower corner of the page. I will comment on this documentary in the following days on this blog.

Well, look, enjoy, and think about it. It might very well have something to do with your transportation in the future after all.


Anonymous said...

It is sure that electric cars are the future. But I am not sure when. I don't think this will happen so soon.

Saurabh Shastri said...

Read more about Shai Agassi's attempts for electric cars project here..

Anonymous said...

I too feel that it is high time that we consider buying an electric car. The gas prices are becoming unbearable and the air pollution that we contributing without knowing someday will hit us back like a tsunami.