Saturday 29 December 2007

Plane Emissions and Pollution

For the last two weeks I have been studying about plane pollution. There is in fact very little good material on this matter on the net. In the near future I will post more on the topic. According to my estimation this is THE hottest topic in terms of human activity contributing to global warming. In general of course, it may be that constructive research in alternatives way of energy is much more important than debating the problems, but among the problems themselves, plane pollution is probably the greatest and rising.

For now, here are two interesting links.

First there is BBC news (from Nov 2007) and BBC discussion (from 2000) on the topic, which is not very informative. The news just tells us about basic dilemmas EU is facing in this matter and the discussion shows what people's thoughts were on the issue 7 years back (it would be interesting to see same people's opinions today).

Very interesting and informative website is "Choose climate" Plane pollution web site.

The author is an environmental scientist, Dr Ben Matthews, who really is knowledgeable about plane pollution and has himself actually made a decision not to fly (he has traveled all around the world and continents in last years but has not been flying from 1993!). Check his website for the best info-resource on the matter on the net.

I intend to post more on the topic soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site's good; extensive.